Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Why Quantum mechanics?

                                       Quantum Mechanics Basic concepts

Why Quantum mechanics?

Before discussing the Quantum physics we have to go through Classical mechanics
Fault Concepts of classical mechanics which leads to quantum mechanics
1. According to Newton for every motion there is a reason for it. It is called the cause and effect relationship
2.If you now the exact position and velocity of the moving object we can predict its position in future and past with certainty.
3. According to classical theory there is no uncertainty in any phenomenon, it is the determinism of classical mechanics
4.Energy can be transfered from one place to another either  as particle or as waves.These forms cannot merge together
5.Measurement is perfect if the working condition of the measuring device is perfect. The error in measurement take place only by the fault of measuring device

solvay conferences
Einsteens quantum statistical interpretation
coppen hagen interpretation
maxwells kinetic theory of gases
boltmans statistical mechanics
probability theory of gases
black body radiation
ultraviolet catastrophe
photo electric effect
bright line light spectra
emission spectra
absorption spectra
rutherford atom model
bhor atom model
sommerfield atom model
paulis exclusion principle
de broglie dual wave

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